Government Becomes Bolder
On April 15th 2009, perhaps the most dreaded day most Americans will face this year, hundreds of thousands of outraged Americans joined together out of there own free will in a grassroots movement organized not by the likes of Fox News, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, or any other entrenched and well known voice of opposition to governmental growth, but by ordinary Americans outraged by the growth and boldness of government. The protests were not in opposition to Barack Obama or minority groups as celebrity Janeane Garofalo brazenly and ignorantly stated calling the tea party goers "a bunch of teabagging rednecks," adding "this is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up." CNN reporter Susan Roesgen of CNN completely ignored the grievances of the tea party participants and insulted the events calling them "not really family viewing." You can view the video below though I am sure most of you have already seen it.
The Tea Parties were a refreshing movement by the people of America showing that we have finally been pushed to far by the growing recklessness and boldness of the United States government. The federal government is far from the only governmental body in the United States but is the primary offender. Minnesota is refusing to destroy blood samples from infants defying court orders to destroy the blood samples in accordance with Minnesota law. Instead the Minnesota legislature attempting to pass a new law to allow the holding of blood samples permanently that could be used later when genetic testing can be used to determine the future health of an individual. This would give the government the availability to run genetic testing to determine survivability rates into the future of an individual because of genetic markers that are in place that would indicate the development of fatal diseases. With the possibility of a government run health care system with a government bureaucracy that determines the cost effectiveness of an individuals treatment that seems all but inevitable at this point, this is a scary thought. The government will be able to deny you, your child, your family, or anyone treatment because the cost versus potential benefit is too great. As PJ O'Rourke said, "[i]f you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free."
Governmental boldness has no bounds. I could list numerous events, circumstances, or programs to back my claims from redistributive policies that attempt to equalize society financially, but instead build dependence and enslave individuals mentally and financially, to the War on Drugs, which costs billions of dollars every year for no measurable effect on either a decline on drug availability or drug usage and imprisonment of non-violent crimes. Governmental boldness is an attack on individual Liberty. Most Americans will not complain about the removal of individual Liberties until it is too late.
From spying on its own citizens without warrant in defiance of the Constitution, the devaluation of money through overprinting, out of control government spending on unconstitutional legislation, corrupt politicians, a fascist movement to gain greater control of the economy, unconstitutional welfare programs, a poor and unconstitutional government controlled education system, to a desire to decide medical treatments without individual choice, and eliminate the greatest freedom of all the right to "keep and bear arms" as the Constitution ensures.
Governmental boldness and the desire for the acquisition of greater power has no bounds by the very politicians we elect. If we as Americans do not wake up and realize that Democrats and Republicans alike are both destroying our country we will wake up tomorrow in a land where Liberty is outlawed, the economy is destroyed, and the future is no longer a time of anticipation but instead dread and despair.
The Tea Parties were a start but without continued action they were just a meaningless event in American History. A small group can do great things and the proof is in our own countries founding. Only 1/3rd of Americans at the time were believed to support the American Revolution. Thankfully the third of colonial America did not succumb to seemingly insurmountable odds!
Continue the new American Revolution and take a stand for Liberty!
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