Spoiled, Whining Children
Let's lay out a little background before I apply this seemingly difficult concept for alot of parents and politicians to our current political situation and state of American's.
Right now I work at a local retail store so I know this story all to well. Although, I am sure that all of you are also familiar with it almost every time you go into a supermarket or other store of your choice. Maybe this will take you back.
Your shopping in your local grocery store and you see a parent and her children walk buy. Suddenly you hear the child ask for that box of sugary cereal or candy sitting on the shelf. Under most circumstances the parent quickly replies with a "no." All of you know what happens next. The kid starts whining, running around, screaming, and making such a ruckus that you think the parent is beating them silly. The parent then tries to calm the child but invariably fails. After all this is probably not the first time this happened, actually I can guarantee it (the same thing happens to the at home). Invariably words do nothing so the parent puts the candy in the basket but the whining doesn't stop so the parent adds some more and the child stops whining.
If you are one of these parent's shame on you for giving in. Your kid has learned that whining will eventually get them the things that they wants. Put more simply, you have rewarded negative behavior so the behavior will continue to happen. By this time I figure your wondering where this is leading if you were educated in our government schools (yeah I don't like our government schools though we'll leave that discussion for a later day) what does this have to do with anything. Your child has learned that bad behavior and actions will get them the thing that they want because you have rewarded them instead of punishing them.
Let's take this concept in a new direction. In the United States we have millions of people utilizing welfare services whether they be in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security (this will get everyone eventually, even me who is an ardent opponent of this program), or food stamps which is estimated in a recent report to top 28 million this year. If you haven't figured out where I'm going yet I'll lay it out.
A large majority of the people on welfare in this country believe that the money from these programs is an entitlement to them (that they actually deserve this money because of some injustice that they had to have in their lives) and they expect more everyday even though they are totally nonproductive members of society. These people continue whining for more like the children they raise and politicians like bad parents give in to their every wish in an effort to buy them off and get their votes.
(There are some people who do need help, those who have debilitating mental conditions or physical conditions that render them unable to carry even out the most basic of tasks that is beyond their control. My writing is not aimed at these people.)
These people are the spoiled whining children of our society who contribute nothing and steal our money through one of our "wonderful" (sarcasm) government welfare programs that trap these people into a life of disparity, degradation, oppression, and mental imprisonment all so our government can continue to erode the personal freedoms or the hardworking and industrious people that this country was built upon and so politicians (namely Democrats and liberals) can stay in office. And we wonder where our children learn this from!
These people will continue to be non-productive members of our society as long as it is economically feasible for them to do so by rewarding them instead of punishing them. As soon as the rewards for bad behavior end and punishment starts, welfare programs will decrease in size and the unethical redistribution (a great word since income is earned not distributed) of income through welfare services will diminish.
And we wonder where our children learn this from!
Great piece, it definitely describes one of our biggest problems of the day. Our country needs to set a date, such as 01/01/2009 or 2010 and end this so called entitlement.
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