State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters.

Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth:
"I, the state, am the people."

-----Lysander Spooner

Liberty and Nothing Less

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

-George Washington

George Washington was the indispensable man in US history. He well understood the natural character of government and led the fight for American Liberty against oppression. Unfortunately today we Americans are still fighting the same fight except it is not against a foreign government but our own.

I leave you with a final thought by syndicated radio talk show host Paul Harvey to ruminate:

They have gun control in Cuba. They have universal health care in Cuba. So why do they want to come here?

Country Heading in the Wrong Direction

I am sure that you have heard reporters, political pundits, and radio talk show hosts like Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Rush, and a number of others who have pointed to recent polling that indicates that 80% (Rasmussen poll) of Americans believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction as well as a majority believing that our best days as a country are behind us. Let me say that for all our faults we are still the greatest country the world has ever seen and I believe we are the greatest hope for individual Liberty and freedom to be spread ar0und the world.

Ongoing right now is the Democratic National Convention that will last until Thursday when Barack Obama is almost sure to deliver another one of his eloquent speeches void of substance but big on cliches . During this time we will also get to hear from Hillary Clinton and others who will most likely cover their quest for governmental controlled decision making in your health care choices. The Democrats won't tell you that it will be the governments decision with who will live and die based upon a checklist of survivability statistics but that is what it will come down to. We will also here the drums of class warfare beating loudly with the need for a fairer tax system that penalizes high achievement and awards laziness and irresponsibility.

Is it any wonder why more than 80% of Americans think we are heading in the wrong direction? We have almost $10 trillion in debt, a government that does not trust those it governs, and constant violations of the US Constitution. The 4th Amendment has been obliterated by the 16th Amendment.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
The government has taken away the right to be secure in "papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches" in order to install on overly burdensome tax code that penalizes high achievement and takes away the Liberty and Freedom that privacy brings and the founders intended. This is far from the only unconstitutional act that the government has passed.

Welfare programs that steal from the rich and give to the poor to garner votes and political power, regulations on the type of light bulbs we can use, a federally controlled education system run by the special interests of the socialist loving teachers union and NEA (National Education Association), strict gun control measures designed to weaken individual Liberty, and a federal reserve system that has brought on economic turmoil numerous times since its inceptions and false manipulation of money that was to be backed by a gold and precious metal standard. Now we have proposals that will bring more economic hardships and job losses to an American public that has been manipulated into believing that governmental intrusion into economic and personal lives is positive by a failing public school system.

Taking a brief look at governmental intrusion into our health care system we notice that governments first regulations forcing people to take company controlled health insurance, HMO's, instead of individual policies resulted in an exponential growth in health care costs. Insurers were forced to provide gradually more coverage over time for non-catestrophic conditions that resulted in an artificial inflation of health care that should and could be paid for cheaply out of pocket resulting in great savings for Americans. Instead now liberals are suggesting a nationalized health care system (where is this allowed by the Consitution?) modeled after Great Britian and Canada's failed system that denies or cancels operations, has month long waiting lines for simple procedures, and denies life to those who have a slim chance of survival. How is this constitutional and do you really want the government to have this power over your personal decisions regarding your own health?

We have entangled ourselves in overseas conflicts that are and were not vital to American security. We have isolated ourselves from the international community through economic sanctions. We have stationed millions of soldiers around the world in lands that are not vital to the security of the United States. Quite simply we have isolated ourselves from the rest of the world and it has brought antagonism and much antipathy towards the United States.

Governmental power has grown trampling on the protections the US Constitution was created for and the founders intended. States rights have been stripped for govermental expediency and political power for the liberal socialist elite. Class warfare rhetoric is constantly spewed to create antipathy against corporations that provide jobs and the wealthy who have the capital to create economic growth to appease the lazy and irresponsible. Unfair and unconsitutional tax schemes have hindered job creation, slowed economic growth, pushed jobs overseas, and overly burdened the American people to the point where we are forced to work for nearly 4 months to just pay the taxes that will go to the federal government (If your luck thats all you will have to work to pay the government becayse some states and cities have income taxes). Civil liberties have been thrown away for the notion of greater security but have put an unreasonable amount of power at the hands of the government to spy on its own citizens without warrents. The government has grown far beyond the scope and size the founders intended.

Is it any reason why over 80% of Americans believe this country is headed in the wrong direction?

Write your representatives
, but if you are like me and are tired of the failure that the two party system has brought us I encourage you to look into the Libertarian Party and their Presidential nominee Bob Barr. The Libertarian Party is a party of small government that believes in the maximization of individual Liberty, low taxes, Constitutional federal power, and a rational foreign policy.

Make your declaration!

Getting Back into the Swing

I have taken a few weeks off from posting on here but I am now getting back into the swing of things and should have posts up more regularly covering contemporary American politics, libertarian philosophy, and a variety of other issues. I should have my next post up by later today or Tuesday.

Remember the Democratic Convention starts today for those of you interested in watch socialists spew rhetoric about the evils of capitalism, the greedy rich, the need for the failure that is socialized health care, the need for higher taxes, and a total disregard and understating of the US constitution and federal government powers.

[UPDATE: My next post will appear on Wednesday 27 August.] Until then feel free to read about some of the many evils of socialized health care that the Left won't tell you in their quest for power and governmental control of your life.

Voters Want to Hear From Barr

Voters in nationwide survey by a clear majority want to hear Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Barr in the Presidential debates this fall. In a similar margin close to 50% want independent, Ralph Nader in the debates this fall as well. This is not a surprise with the poor choices offered by the two major parties, well known socialist Barack Obama and liberal leaning John McCain.

The people of this country deserve a quality choice this fall but unfair rules set down by the two major parties have made it increasingly difficult to get on the ballot and participate in a fair manner for independent and 3rd party candidates. The Presidential debates this as in past years are organized by a non-profit corporation, the Commission on Presidential debates that has set very high levels to be able to be included in the fall debates and therefore have a chance at being the next President.

Without getting in the debates the chance for Barr and Nader have virtually no chance to have a legitimate or fair chance to be included in the debates in the fall. If at no other time in decades, Liberty deserves a chance on the ballot this fall. The federal government is expanding beyond its constitutional limits, taxes are becoming overly burdensome, debt is expanding at such a rate that the country is swirling towards bankruptcy, and civil liberties are being eroded for expediency.

The voters deserve a fair choice in the voting booth to choose the best person for the job not the better of the worst that the 2 parties have to offer. Why be forced to vote for the "lesser of two evils" when better choices clearly exist? Why have such stringent and unfair practices in a country that is supposed to cherish Liberty and freedom of choice?

This country was founded on the idea of maximization of individual Liberty, freedom of choice, and a republican form of government that is supposed to ensure true representation. Why not include Bob Barr and Ralph Nader in the debates this fall?

To read more on this article view this Zogby news.
Click here to read other instances of 3rd party and independent candidates exclusions at

Why Bob Barr for President of the United States?

"Who are you voting for?"

That is a question people like to ask me because they know I love politics. My answer always sparks questions on my judgment or state that since I am not voting for the establishment 2 parties that I am wasting a vote, or am throwing the election to Obama or McCain for a candidate who has no possibility of winning. Well it is no clue when just observing my blog that I am endorsing Libertarian candidate and former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr for President of the United States.

Many of you may remember Bob Barr as a staunch conservative, perhaps the most conservative member in Congress during the near decade he served as a member of the House of Representatives. He led the impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton, passed the defense of marriage act, was a staunch opponent of the War on Drugs, and voted for the infamous Patriot Act. Since 9/11 though Barr has reevaluated his positions realizing correctly the ever growing power of the federal government and the gradual erosion of individual Liberty and freedom of choice.

Bob Barr joined the Libertarian party in 2006 and has started his own company called Liberty Strategies in an effort to spread the declaration of Liberty around the country. Barr gained the Libertarian Party nomination during the Libertarian Party convention over Memorial Day with his message of less government, lower taxes, and increased individual Liberty. Barr's past success in elections serving in the US House has brought the Barr candidacy increased credibility and visibility that a third party candidacy needs.

Bob Barr and Wayne Allyn Root
The Message of Freedom and Liberty!

Taxes, the Economy, Government Spending, and Entitlement Programs

Barr is a strong supporter of reducing federal taxes and has supported the idea of a nationalized sales tax like the Fair Tax, which I have provided in depth coverage on this blog. If we want to provide an economic stimulus for the US economy reduction in corporate and personal taxation is the way to go. Likewise Barr has also recognized the out of control spending by the US government and has stated that he will not sign a bill that will increase discretionary spending over the previous year adjusted for inflation. In a similar move Barr has called for a reduction in entitlement and welfare programs and subsidies.
Every area of federal spending can and should be cut. Entitlements must be reformed and welfare should be cut, including subsidies for business sometimes called corporate welfare. Military outlays should be reduced and pork barrel spending eliminated. Needless, duplicative, and wasteful programs, most of which have no constitutional basis, should be terminated.
Barr also supports separating government intrusion into the free markets because as is readily understood the only way to protect individual Liberty and create a prosperous America is through the application of free market capitalist principles free of the regulatory interferences that slow economic growth and stifle job creation.

Social welfare and entitlement programs must be reduced as current governmental programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security are heading towards financial disaster and cannot be saved. "With the latter two programs alone facing estimated total unfunded liabilities topping $100 trillion, the government will eventually face the choice of raising taxes by as much as 50 percent or defaulting on promised benefits, if we do not begin taking action right now." Barr supports privatized health care options and privatizing retirement accounts both of which are high on my list.

Energy Policy

As a free market capitalist Barr has recognized the government is the primary group to blame for our high energy problems. Government regulation has prohibited utilizing our own domestic resources for energy production. Regulatory actions have also created extremely thick baracades on refining, nuclear power, and coal power all readily available and economically viable energy solutions in favor of biofuels that have inflated food price world wide and regulating what type of lightbulds you can and cannot use.

Obama says you should blow up your tires, McCain has been shakey on energy policy and still does not support drilling everywhere. Barr supports doing everything possible to solve the energy problem, which includes getting burdensome government regulations out of the way of energy production. Getting government out of the way is the first step towards lower energy prices.

Constitutional Commission

Much in the same way that Ronald Regan created the Grace Commission to root out government waste and eliminate fraud and abuse Barr supports a constitutional commission. I have supported the idea of a 10th Amendment Commission or Constitutional Commission that would review all government agencies and programs on the basis of Constitutionality based upon the orginal meaning that the founders had intended.

The primary problem in our almost $10 trillion deficit is due to government growth and overreaching. Bringing the government back down to its constitutional limits through the implementation of a Constitutional Commission is the best way to eliminate waste, promote individual Liberty, and get the country back on a strong financial and economic footing.

Foreign Intervention
American foreign policy should emphasize swift, decisive and winning action against those who vowed would harm us. This means defense, not foreign intervention.
Foreign intervention is just another big government programing. The US needs to stop being the policing power of the world. Foreign interventions have left the American mainland at greater risk and cost great sums of money. Barr recognizes the best way to a peaceful world is not war but free trade and the free market. Free trade will uplift economic progress of the world at large decreasing animosity and promote Liberty worldwide.
Moreover, foreign aid has proved to be a drain on the U.S. economy while doing little good for the recipients. Aid is routinely used by corrupt foreign governments to oppress their people and enrich powerful elites. Foreign aid almost always discourages economic and political reform, while subsidizing nations which often work against U.S. interests.

I am not going to cover every policy issue of the Bob Barr/Wayne Root ticket because you can view them at I will point out the underlying theme behind the Bob Barr candidacy and that is the promotion of individual Liberty, small government, and lower taxes. Big government programs have stifled our countries economic growth, hindered job growth, taken hard earned money out of the pockets of its citizens, eroded the individual liberties and freedoms the founders embraced when writing the Constitution, and resulted in the tremendous federal deficit that has placed our country at risk of control from foreign nations purchasing our debt. These are all topics I have covered continuously on this blog and continue to support.

If the American people will do a little thinking and a little research we will realize that government is at the root of many of the economic and social problems that we face today. Obama has promised change back to the failed socialist policies of the past that have stifled economic growth and job creation. McCain continues to promote big government Republican solutions of the past 8 years. Both candidates support wiretapping on US citizens. Democrats and Republicans hold equal wright on who is to blame for the problems we hold today. This is why I support Libertarian Bob Barr for President of the United States and self made man Wayne Allyn Root for Vice President.

When you ask me who I am voting for me don't bother telling me that I am wasting a vote or that I am helping the other candidate win by stealing away votes from your candidate. A vote must be earned and cannot be stolen from a certain political party or candidate because it is your private property. Your vote can only be stolen from you if you decide to vote for the lesser of two evils because you dislike the other candidate more. A vote is only wasted if you sacrifice your own principles.

When you go to the voting booth this fall vote take a moment and think what a vote for Barr could mean for you instead of upholding the status quo. The others may preach change but remember that Real Change requires actual change from the status quo and failed policies of years past. Barr is already polling in at double digits and some states and is a legitimate contender for President of the United States and your support will help change the American political system forever!

Make your Declaration for low taxes, more energy, less government intervention, maximization of individual Liberty, and a promotion of the only economic system that has created wealth: free market capitalism!

To find out more about Libertarian Presidential candidate Bob Barr and Vice President Wayne Allyn Root visit You can also check for more information on my "The Time for Liberty is NOW: Bob Barr for President, a Real Choice" sidebar.

To join or find more information on the Libertarian Party and see who is running for your local offices visit

Quote of the Day: The Evils of Minimum Wage

The high rate of unemployment among teenagers, and especially black teenagers, is both a scandal and a serious source of social unrest. Yet it is largely a result of minimum wage laws. We regard the minimum wage law as one of the most, if not the most, anti-black laws on the statute books.
--Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist

I have noted this before but it is worth mentioning again. Minimum wage is an evil program designed by socialist politicians to buy the votes of unknowing and kool-aid drinking voters who will believe anything you tell them without questioning the repercussions of the governments actions if they seem beneficial enough. Let's think about this for a moment.

The government decides that people who are among the lowest income earners in American society deserve to earn more because life is too hard on them and they can't get the things that they want or need so they decide to raise the minimum wage like they have recently. The lowest earners now earn more and can afford more or at least that is the idea. What could be wrong with this?

Minimum wage is an artificial level designed by the government that does not base the quality of the persons work or the strength of their personal value in determining their wage. This consequentially hurts the companies ability to hire labor at a reasonable price with regards to the employee has to offer. Additionally there will always be some sort of minimum that will be accepted by the employee. If a company is offering $1 an hour and another is offering $2 for the same position the company offering $1 will be forced to increase their wage or be forced to take the lower quality employee who will accept that job at that price. Wage's if left to the free market will sort themselves out to what society and employees are willing to accept.

Examining basic economics will tell you that if you increase the cost of labor the cost of the product will increase, the company will have to take a hit in profits, or the company will have to cut costs. All three of these are detrimental to lower income earners in America. Keep in mind that only less than .55% of income earners in America actually earn minimum wage and a solid plurality of those are teenagers whom are still in school and dependent upon their families (I'll get back to this point).

Increasing the cost of products will increase the cost of living further hurting the lower income families and those who are unemployed, not to mention making life more difficult for those who already earn over minimum wage but do not get a raise to cover the difference of the minimum wage increase. A company is not likely to take a hit in their profits. Why? Afterall, to most of the Left profits are evil. Profits allow the company to expand their business allowing for further job creation. It takes wealth to create wealth something the government cannot do. The third option is the most prevalent and can be seen in the latest job reports with a jump in unemployment among low income earners and teenage employment after the new increase in minimum wage.

The quote below by Milton Friedman has been highly researched as I have pointed out in previous articles. Government statistics clearly show that when minimum wage increases teenage and black jobs have decreased to be able to afford the artificial wage increase that was not deserved.

Keep in mind the more sinister aspect of minimum wage increases that is not mentioned often and the primary reason for minimum wage increases. Unions. Many unions accross the country have their wages directly tied as a factor of minimum wage. Unions are a special interest group of the left and are a direct cause relating to jobs leaving this country.

Minimum wage is not a matter of care for the lowest wage earners in America. Minimum wage increases are a political tool designed to garner more power from the least understanding groups of people in America to enslave them to the political Left.

Get ready for more layoffs next summer as minimum wage increases again. To view the detrimental effects of minimum wage increases in qualitiative data please check this article out.

The high rate of unemployment among teenagers, and especially black teenagers, is both a scandal and a serious source of social unrest. Yet it is largely a result of minimum wage laws. We regard the minimum wage law as one of the most, if not the most, anti-black laws on the statute books.
--Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist

Stop the Bill of Rights Blackout

I have written about the removal of our individual Liberties time and time again. I have covered Nancy Pelosi's desire to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to stifle free speech. I have covered in depth the unconstitutional tax code, well it was until the passage of the 16th Amendment, which stripped away protections under the 4th Amendment. I have written on the environmentalist cultural revolution to remove individual choice. I have covered many issues that have abrogated the rights of the individual as the founders intended.

Libertarian Presidential nominee Bob Barr has done the same thing and testified recently to the US Congress about holding the executive branch liable for its ever increasing power and urging Congress to carry out a Constitutional inquiry. I urge you to sign the petition below to the US House of Representatives to help take back the freedoms that have been removed by the US government and continue to be stripped away for governmental expedience and in the name of taking care of us through social welfare programs.

Download the Blacked Out Bill of Rights

Petition to the U.S. House of Representatives

Committee on the Judiciary, Congressman Conyers, Chairman

Whereas, the basis for the laws of this great Republic is the Constitution, adopted September 17th, 1789; and,

Whereas, that Constitution provided for a clear but difficult procedure for amending it; and,

Whereas, the founding fathers saw a need for Amendments to guarantee certain civil rights to citizens including the right to a free press, free religious expression, the right to keep and bear arms, freedom from government seizure of their property, freedom from unlawful detention, the right to a prompt and fair trial by a jury, and protection from unreasonable bail requirements; and,

Whereas, these and other rights were considered important enough to be added as the first 10 Amendments and these have become known as The Bill of Rights; and,

Whereas, The Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 remain untouched by Amendment for more than two centuries; and,

Whereas, the Executive branch of the Federal Government, through executive orders and other schemes has eroded many of these rights and still greater threats loom; Now therefore the undersigned citizens of the United States petition Congress to rise to its responsibilities and enforce and protect the Bill of Rights through any and all means at its disposal including but not limited to Committee Hearings and legal action through the courts.

Liberty is still a new idea and needs your support so take 60 seconds and sign the petition to stop the removal of our freedoms and protect the Bill of Rights! Let the Revolution continue and make your Declaration!

Download the Blacked Out Bill of Rights

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