State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters.

Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth:
"I, the state, am the people."

-----Lysander Spooner

Liberty and Nothing Less

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

-George Washington

George Washington was the indispensable man in US history. He well understood the natural character of government and led the fight for American Liberty against oppression. Unfortunately today we Americans are still fighting the same fight except it is not against a foreign government but our own.

I leave you with a final thought by syndicated radio talk show host Paul Harvey to ruminate:

They have gun control in Cuba. They have universal health care in Cuba. So why do they want to come here?

Republicans Ready to Blame Libertarians for Their Defeat

This years elections are coming up fast and furiously. Both parties are already ahead of time to blame someone else for their own misfortune. In years past Republicans blames Independent Ross Perot for the defeat of George Bush in 1992. Then of course we have the 2000 election where Democrats blamed their loss not only on the Supreme Court but due to Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. Ralph Nader likely took votes away from Democratic candidate John Kerry in 2004.

It seems the two major parties are doing the same thing this year. Democrats will blame Ralph Nader for stealing votes from Barack Obama if for some reason he loses. Republicans are already paving the way to blame the loss of John McCain to Barack Obama on Libertarian candidate Bob Barr.

Last I recall my vote had to be earned from any candidate who wants it. After all is not America supposed to be about freedom of choice and individuality? That does not seem to be the case of the Republicans and Democrats that have brought on detrimental economic policies, government expansion, and have passed laws that have gradually stripped away individual Liberties and eroded the protection that the US Constitution and Bill of Rights sought to protect.

With independent voters expected to decide the presidential election in swing states like Colorado, Republicans here allege that the Libertarian Party may hand elections to Democrats. Meanwhile, the state's top Libertarian says there is no such thing as a "spoiler effect."

According to Colorado Libertarian Chairman Travis Nicks, every vote must be earned.

"If [Republican nominee John] McCain doesn’t win it won’t be because the Libertarian Party takes votes away from him," said Nicks. "It will be because he doesn’t earn them.”

Libertarian candidate Bob Barr is already polling in at double digits in some key states McCain will need to win to become President. Is that a problem? Not at all.

Hopefully this is the rise of a new party to greater heights that will be forever able to change the Amerrican political system and reverse the attrocious policies of the Democrat and Republican party that have moved us far from the founding principles the authors of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution envisioned when they resolved to create a more perfect union. People will no longer have to buy into the rhetoric of politicians that claim you are throwing your vote away by voting for a third party candidate you agree with. Is not voting for someone whom you disagree with because you dislike the only other percieved choice throwing your vote away (aka, the lesser of 2 evils argument)?

Individual Liberty and freedom of choice are the hallmarks of the Consitution. The only way that this can be accomplished is not through increased governmental power that seeks to legislate morality, redistribute income, tell us what type of health care we have to have, confiscate our earnings, and the list can go on.

Liberty and individual choice is still a new idea. Countries around the world from the socialist states of Europe, Canada, and Venezuela, to Communist countries, and the dictatorships of the Middle East and Africa still reject these ideas or corrupt them by stating the need for more security from fear (of some issue that they deem harmful).

When the election is over the Republicans or Democrats will be looking to blame someone else for their defeat. In reality these two parties have nothing but themselves to blame for their own defeat. Both have expressed policies that counter the center right political spectrum of American society or in other words fiscally conservative and socially liberal policies that our country was founded on and only the Libertarian Party espouses.

Not to mention the poor choice of Presidential candidates and in many cases Congressional candidates by the Republicans and Democrats. The McCain campaign has been anything but stellar. They have missed countless opportunites to spread their views and hit back at Obama. The Obama campaign is looking more like he is running for reelection. His arrogance and inexperience have not been addressed by his campaign.

The blame is ready to be placed upon someone. The only question is who and it will be answered in less than 100 days.

To read the whole story about Libertarian candidates in state races:Libertarian Impact on State Races Under Microscope | Face the State

To find out more or to join the Libertarian party, the party of small government, social tolearance, low taxes, Consitutionalism, and the party that espouse the view points of our founders visit the Libertarian Party website.

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Quote to Ponder

A simple quote to think about by one of our founding fathers, the architect of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, for those that have placed there faith in a certain politician in this years Presidential race.

Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

This years race seems to be more hyped than ever before, yet we have two of the worst candidates in history to choose from if you limit yourself to the major parties. People have placed hope that the politicians will change things but Americans are reaching for answer that has caused the problems that we have today: government.

Government has slowed economic growth, inhibited job growth, and increased the reliability on social welfare programs. I have awaited the day until I found a group that has the answers that the American people want but refuse to believe: Libertarians. The Libertarian has recognized the problems in America today can be solved by less regulation, fewer social programs, and lower taxes. Libertarians recognize that government if given the time and it is not long will become tyrannical and oppressive. This is the same idea that the founders recognized.

When you go to the ballot box this year, remember that government has failed us and the answer is not more government, more failed promises, or more of the same. It is time for the Libertarians! It is time for small government! It is time for a return to the Constitution! It is time for low taxes! It is time for a return to Liberty and individualism!

It is time! Make your declaration!

Quote of the Day: Unthinking Respect

With the upcoming election many thoughts have come to my mind. I was browsing the internet the other day contemplating the likely election of Barack Obama. Barack Obama is clearly charismatic, eloquent, and one of the greatest political leaders in the last 60 years. All of this does not make him fit to be President because he is young, inexperienced, espouses dangerous political ideology, and geniuenlly does not seem to understand the basics of economics. When browsing the internet I came upon this quote that clearly describes contemporary American politics and more clearly the Barack Obama mania.

Unthinking Respect for Authority is the Greatest Enemy of Truth.
--Albert Einstein
It seems in America today that the wave of socialism is rapidly sweeping across our great country. A smaller group but much louder is contesting this view point and is led by Texas House member Ron Paul, appropriately titling his book The Revolution. The wave of socialism or fascism is led by Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama. And for those who think I have used fascism in an inappropriate manner I encourage you to read Jonah Goldberg's Book, Liberal Fascism.

Today about half of the citizens of this country no longer want to work hard for a better life like our ancestors have. These citizens have fallen into the rut where they believe that they are entitled to handouts from the government because of past injustices, current societal problems, or poor personal decisions that they should be saved from (having children they could not afford, using drugs and alcohol, not working hard in school, buying a house they could not afford, etc.).

Americans more commonly have neglected history respecting the government and political leaders without looking to the future detrimental impact of their request. They do not question their motives if it seems beneficial to society. This has been the case of the rise of tyrants throughout history like Adolph Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, and Hugo Chavez to name a few. These leaders promised great social benefits, more equality among their people, and a better life. From a distant look their policies looked promising. Looking back or from the inside of these countries now their policies have been of great detriment to their country.

The people of these societies gave up freedoms for a better tomorrow and a better tomorrow never came. Society did not question their motives becoming and unthinking mob with great respect for their authority. This led them down a road to where truth was no longer appreciated and was usurped for greater governmental power and the erosion of individual Liberty.

The followers of Barack Obama today are often times called Kool-aid drinkers and for good reason. They have sacrificed reason and truth for eloquent speaking, hope, and change. They do not hesitiate to question the motives and policies of this charismatic leader that violate the Constitution, strip individual choice, and further degrade individual Liberties. The unthinking mob has placed their complete faith in government while neglecting the principles that were instilled in the founding of our country and enabled our rise to the premier superpower of the world.

Respect for authority is not a poor quality of individuals because it allows for a civilized and orderly society. Unthinking respect however leads to the deprivation of Liberties, removal of the freedom of choice, and is the greatest enemy of Truth. It is a shame to see Liberty so voluntarily disposed when people around the world are looking towards our model to achieve their own Freedom from the tyranny.
Unthinking Respect for Authority is the Greatest Enemy of Truth.
--Albert Einstein
I will never sacrifice my Liberties for the benefit of the collective. I will not remove my right to individual choice for the help from the government. I will not bow down to the alter of political leaders. I will not silence my voice of opposition to the fascistic policies of the left. I will not sacrifice my Liberties!

Minimum Wage Increases: More Layoffs to Come

Today marks the second set of three minimum wage increases due to last years Democratically pushed Fair Minimum Wage Act. Today's jump increased the minimum wage to $6.55 and hour. The third set of increases will occur next July (2009) to $7.25 an hour.

Minimum wage is a contentious issue. There are two competing thoughts in the matter. The first is made by Democrats in order to garner more votes from the poorer classes in society spewing rhetoric how these people have given an unjust situation in life. The other group stands on principle on the facts that demonstrate that minimum wage has a detrimental impact on economic and job growth.

Economic Results of Minimum Wage Increase

A study carried out by Dr. Josephy Sabia of the University of Georgia for the Fiscal Policy Insitute presents clear evidence to the detrimental impacts of minimum wage increases especially among low-skilled and entry level workers. It should be noted that the information from this study was obtained from government data from 1979 to 2004 related to retail and small business employment. Keep in mind today's increase was 11.96% and 19.8% since the act has been passed. After the final increase minimum wage will have increased over 27%.

For every 10% increase in minimum wage, it will lead to the following:

1. Retail Employment

  • .9-1.1% decrease in employment
  • 2.7-4.3% decrease in employment among teens
  • 5% decrease in average retail hours among all teens
  • 2.8% decrease in average retail hours among teens who remain employed
2. Small Business Employment
  • .8-1.2% decrease in employment
  • 4.6-9.0% decrease in teen employment
  • 4.8-8.8% decrease in average hours among teens
If you would like to view an entire list of negative consequences of minimum wage increases with studies visit here Talking Points from the Joint Economic Committe of the US Congress from 1995. The list includes impacts from reduction of employment opportunities amongst unskilled workers, hard impacts on the black community, increase in job turnover, harder times for lower wage workers during economic downturns to detrimental effects on lifetime earnings, reduction of fringe benefits, and increase in welfare reliance. This is a great list that gives specific studies that can be reviewed if you wish.

Other Economic Impacts

Some would
then ask why politicians would even consider raising a rate that affects primarily teenagers who remain dependent to their parents and around .5% of total employment. The answer is the power of unions. The Democratic Party has been corrupted by the detrimental impacts of unions. Unions generally negotiate wages directly towards a factor of the minimum wage. Taking the current number of $.70 and doing some simple math we can demonstrate. A factor of 2 will increase wage by $1.40, 3 by $2.10, 4 by 2.80, and so on. This as you can imagine will have to result in an increase in price among the widgets (general term for a miscialneous product) that the widget factory creates.

One aspect of increases should be mentioned. Take the impact of a person who made $6.55 yesterday. This was $.70 above minimum wage at the time and above lower level employees. To maintain the same standard of living because of the increase in cost in consumer goods and services that employee's wage would have to increase as well, which is up to the discretion of the employer. This will have a negative impact on that employee and many others who will have taken in effect a pay decrease with the mandatory increase in minimum wage.

Companies will seek to maintain their profit. In order to do this they must do one of several or combine several aspects. 1) Move jobs to less regulate areas (overseas). 2) Decrease employment (usually the first step). 3) Increase modernization efforts to decrease reliability on people in the production of their product. 4) Increase the price of their goods. All of these will have detrimental impacts on the American economy by moving economic investment into offshore markets, decrease job opportunity especially amongst low-skilled or low educated workers, or decrease the purchasing power of other workers who did not receive a corresponding raise by artificially increase the price of their goods.

For other economic impacts which I will not cover here to save space view this Joint Economic Committee Report in 1996 that points to the job decrease of nearly 625,000 jobs mainly at entry level when minimum wage was increased from $4.25 to $5.15. The report also cites many other negative impacts of the increase.


Companies pay their employees as a compilation of many different characteristics. Some jobs like a burger flipper are inherently by their nature require less skill and can be filled by a greater segment of society making these jobs easy to fill and less valuable earning the employee less income. Artificially elevating the income of these employees by governmental regulation will require cuts in other areas of buisness to maintain the profit margin or increase prices.

Quite simply companies will pay people what they are worth and their is a reason why those making minimum wage are earning what they are. They have made poor personal choices that have placed them in the situtation by neglecting their education/training, having children they could not afford, spending money on unnecessary items like cigarettes, alcohol, or the latest technology, or by acting in a manner that does not reflect well upon them-self and the potential company that might hire them.

Wage's if left to the free market to decide will be adjusted to what society and individuals are willing to accept. An employer who pays $1/hr for an employee may not be able to find a person to fill this position or at least the quality of person they desire while an employer who pays $4/hr will be able to. If an employer does not pay enough the job will not be filled requiring the company to increase the wage until it is acceptable.

Artificial pay increases such as minimum wage do not have a net positive impact on any groups with the exceptions of those who negotiate their salary as a factor of minimum wage like labor unions. When a politician says minimum wage increase it is not meant to benefit those making minimum wage. It is a tool used to pander to lower income families for increase power and job security in the form of votes, nothing more. Either that or they are beholdent to the special interests of labor unions. Either way they do not deserve the vote of Americans.

More layoffs are coming. Let's hope its not your job!


Fiscal Policy Institute: The Effect of Minimum Wage Increases on Retail and Small Business Employment
Minimum Wage to Jump by 70 cents Thursday
Joint Economic Committee Report: The Case Against a Higher Minimum Wage

Joint Economic Committee Talking Points: 50 Years of Miminum Wage Research

Quote of the Day: Bill of Rights and Individualism

The whole of the Bill [of Rights] is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.
--Albert Gallatin (1789)

The Bill of Rights is the most important precedence for the maintenance of freedom for all individuals in the United States. For those not in the know, the Bill of Rights is the 1st 10 Amendments to the US Constitution. I urge you to read the amendments carefully before you continue reading this article. You can view them here.

It should be understood that the Bill of Rights does not constrain the rights of individuals or individual freedoms as some liberals and conservatives would exist such as the right to bear arms, gay marriage, the right for largely unregulated talk radio on political issues, and a host of other issues. The Bill of Rights was designed to protect individuals from the tyranny of government because the founders understood clearly the oppression that government of any size or nature can bring.

The 2nd Amendment is often highly neglected in liberal circles as they try to institute greater gun control laws in an attempt to eliminate gun ownership altogether. The reason for this is not because guns cause crimes, they don't as guns are inanimate objects without the ability to form thought. The reason for their desire for control is to take greater control of society and limit individual choice. No greater evidence can be brought forth aside from the clear wording of the US Constitution of the right to bear arms than from the words of the principal architect of the US Constitution Thomas Jefferson.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
The Bill of Rights is a constraint of the power of government on rights that no power, group, or entity has the power to take away. The rights of individuals is the most important principle in the founding of our government. Unfortunately our rights have been abridged by a government seeking to create a form of social justice in the implementation of the income tax, which has been previously been declared unconstitutional because of its violation of the 6th Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The right to privacy in financial matters and secure in papers has been obliterated by the IRS and more importantly perhaps the most oppressive law created by our government the 16th Amendment, which has fostered a climate where politicians espouse rhetoric about the evil rich, greedy corporations, and more generally class warfare. It has fostered an environment that penalizes hard work, individuality, high achievement, sound investments, economic growth, and has pushed jobs to overseas markets resulting in slower job creation and higher unemployment than would otherwise be possible. The reading of the 16th Amendment is frightening in and of itself.

Article XVI [Proposed 1909; Questionably Ratified 1913]: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

The amendment proposes no limits on the amount of taxes collected meaning tax rates could be as high as 100% meaning all income would be collected despite fierce opposition from the governed and leaves no recourse for petition from those whom are affected. This is why I support the Fair Tax, which you can find out more on in my FairTax series in March-May of 2008.

The Bill of Rights does not limit the freedom of individuals only the power of government. Activists judges liberal fascists (like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and the like) have sought to remove these rights in the name of social justice, governmental control, and social order. The founders recognized that increased governmental power is among the greatest evils the world has ever known and sought to ensure the protection of individuals including their ability to protect themself against physical abuses (2nd Amendment) amongst many other governmental abuses.

The whole of the Bill [of Rights] is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.
--Albert Gallatin (1789)

Anthropogenically Caused Global Warming in Question

Numerous times I have explored the depths that are anthropogenic global warming - that is human induced emissions for those not of the scientific persuasion. I have mentioned numerous times that global warming is not a result of human activity or at least not the primary or secondary reason, essentially that it is highly exaggerated.

The reason for the global warming alarmism by Al Gore and other men and women of little understanding on the issue is not for the well meaning intentions they portray. Instead it is to start a sort of cultural revolution to destroy the United States capitalist economy further, portray the need for the protection of the collective by spreading fear to remove individual rights, and aggregate power in the hands of a professional, expert government that can make society dependent and therefore easier to control.

Global warming alarmists have set out to dismiss and completely dismantle the careers of those who oppose global warming. Al Gore has concluded that global warming is a proven reality and those who do not believe should be dismissed and removed from the scene. Some have even threatened to sue nonbelievers.

Change of Position

I am far from the only one who doubts the validity of anthropogenically caused global warming.

The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."
This is a monumental change in position that without doubt will cause much controversy among the political sphere of global warming alarmists like Al Gore. Their livelihood is wrapped up in the spreading of fear in order to garner themselves political and monetary power. This change in position or at least opening for debate proves without a doubt that anthropogenic global warming is still a highly controversial and debated field in academia and among research scientists and intellectuals.

Why the Change?

Al Gore as we all know created a move, Inconvenient Truth, that created a surge in support for the idea of global warming. The APS now has reasons to doubt man made global warming with the publishing of a report by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which finds that the "climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] modeling. A low sensitivity implies additional atmospheric CO2 will have little effect on global climate." A professor at Hartford, Larry Gould, has called the paper "expose of the IPCC that details numerous exaggerations and '/extensive errors'."

The APS has also found other evidence that I have pointed to in the past here that the reason for warming is more likely due to increased solar activity.
Monckton, who was the science advisor to Britain's Thatcher administration, says natural variability is the cause of most of the Earth's recent warming. "In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years ... Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth."
Clearly the debate on the validity of anthropogenic global warming is not as clear cut as Al Gore has made it out to be. Before we take drastic actions that will be of great detriment to the US and world economies we need more debate on this highly controversial subject. The call by Al Gore for America to go 100% green within 10 years is absurd, unrealistic, and economic suicide!


Primary: DailyTech - Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate
Other articles:
New York Times: Gore Urges Change to Dodge and Energy Crisis
Guardian: Put oil firm chiefs on trial
Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered

Science Daily: Warm Coronal Loop Offers Clue to Mysteriously Hot Solar Atmosphere

Tennesse Center for Policy Research: Al Gore's Personal Energy Consumption Up 10%

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Libertarians: A (Not So) Lunatic Fringe - TIME

When deciding who to vote for this year I encourage everyone of you to look towards the Libertarian Party, what TIME Magazine has labeled in a recent article as A (Not So) Lunatic Fringe. The idea of libertarianism really became prominent during the Ron Paul campaign.

Maybe you haven't heard, but this is the year of freedom. First there was the Ron Paul revolution, in which an avuncular 10-term Representative from Brazoria County, Texas, raised more than $34 million as a pseudo-Republican candidate, garnered more than a million primary votes and outperformed Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson, all on the back of a get-government-off-my-back platform. Now there's the Libertarian Party, which sold a little bit of its hard-line liberty-loving soul in exchange for the most respectable candidate it has ever had: recently converted former Republican Congressman Bob Barr, who's polling nationally near 6% and could conceivably Naderize John McCain in a few key states and help nudge the presidency to Barack Obama.
In a year when no small government politician exists in the major 2 parties many Americans have turned their attention to the candidacy of Bob Barr. The proof is seen in the polling on Zogby's 50 State interactive map. Barr is polling in at 6% nationally, and is reaching double digits of support in some states.

If you are a true conservative and believe in smaller government, lower taxes, elimination of the IRS, and Liberty then Libertarian candidate Bob Barr is the choice for you. I urge you to strongly question your support of the Republican Party this year, a party that has lost its principles that is seeking governmental solutions to problems that government has created.

To find out more about Bob Barr visit

To finish reading the TIME article: Libertarians: A (Not So) Lunatic Fringe - TIME

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FairTax Featured Article on Wikipedia Today

Well the title says it all. Today the FairTax article is the featured article on Wikipedia today. If you are not aware of what the FairTax is I encourage you to take a look at it.

Briefly, the FairTax is a proposal that would eliminate all corporate taxes which stifle economic and job growth, payroll taxes (MediCare, Security, and etc.), death taxes, gift taxes, and more that occupies over 95,000 pages of rules and regulations. The current tax system stifles hard work, saving, investing, places an average of 22% embeded tax rate in the average consumer product (remember that corporations do not pay taxes we do, every tax that is put on a corporation gets passed on to the consumer in this embeded tax rate), and keeps monies out of the US market due to penalizing forms of taxation.

Unlike the income tax, the FairTax is a true tax on wealth. The FairTax would insititute a 23% tax rate on all final sales of new goods and services. This sounds like alot but remember that you would now be receiving your full paycheck every pay period which on average would increase the size of your paycheck by 25%. The FairTax encourages fiscal responsibility. Since there is no penalty for making sound financial investments you can save until your heart is content with no tax burden.

Some of you may point out that it is a regressive tax. Well the FairTax has taken care of this by instituting a monthly prebate for taxes that would be incurred on spending up to the poverty line (family size and state of residence is taken into account) and adjusted for inflation yearly (for actual numbers on the prebate click here). The prebate would be sent to every citizen of the US. The prebate means that those who do not spend above the poverty level will not be taxed. Those who spend at twice the poverty level will pay a rate of 11.5% and so on. The more you spend the more you pay. Once again the FairTax encourages fiscal responsibility by decreasing tax rate on more responsible spending thanks to the prebate.

Best of All

The FairTax would eliminate the IRS, tax audits, investigations into your private matters by the US government (something the founders originally envisioned in the Constitution until the income tax amendment was added - 16th Amendment), eliminate the costly process (time and monetary) of tax preparation each year, and get rid of April 15th for good. You would never have to stand in line for hours at the post office again and all the confusing tax forms would be relegated to distant memories of governmental abuse and oppresion.

For more on the FairTax visit my series on the FairTax from March, April, and May of 2008.

For more information and how you can help the FairTax passed aside from visiting Wikipedia you can visit Then become a citizen co-sponser at

Make your Declaration and let your representatives know that you want them to support the FairTax.

Quote of the Day: Laissez Faire and Man's Imperfection

Ludwig von Mises was born on September 29, 1881 in Austria. He was an Austrian economist and philosopher in addition to being one of the main intellectuals of the start of the modern libertarian movement. He was forced to flee Austria due to his Jewish heritage and eventuall found himself in New York City as a visiting professor at New York University until 1969 and dies 4 years later in 1973. Today he has an economic institute dedicated to his memory and the free market principles he proposed. I encourage you to visit the Ludwig von Mises Institute's website to find out more.

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.
--Ludwig von Mises

Liberals, fascists, communists, and more generally statists, (note: I will refer to this whole group as the left in the remainder of this post), for all they are worth seem to reject the idea that the government that serves best that serves least. This is the opposite of Libertarians and for the most part conservatives who are a bit hypocritical in my view on their idea of smaller government as they fall into government intervention due to the moral weakness of men. Liberals are a bit confused as well in their policies that create bigger government.

The left believes that people upon their own free will and choice cannot achieve in lifeso government must fill those deficiencies with government programs. Those who have achieved some measure of success are generally viewed upon as statistical anomalies that have achieved their status through deceptive practices and greed. To be fair many conservatives believe in government intervention to force what they deem morally straight decisions because people left to their own devices will engage in morally weak decisions like gay marriage, abortion, drug use and the like.

In turn since all success or proper choice is a mere statistical anomaly under the pretenses that people if left to their own devices will not be able to sustain themselves either partially or fully because man is fallible or lacking moral strength to engage in wholesome activities or choices then government must intervene.

Questionable Logic

If man is fallible and unable to make personal moral decisions then how is the government able to make such decisions? If success is a statistical anomaly how can government achieve success for the collective? These are the questions that must be asked when a politician of the left or socially conservative right tell you that government must intervene.

These questions derive from the logic that government is not made up of demigods or noble men. Instead government is controlled by fallible men and woman with questionable moral judgment. This idea does not seem to be accepted by the groups who push for more governmental control but the logic is irrefutable.

Examples can be made all over the world. In an attempt to get health care for all countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, and many others in Europe have adopted nationalized health care systems. The systems have largely been a failure delivering lower quality health care to individuals, governmental bureaucracies deciding if individuals should receive treatment, and thousands of canceled surgeries each month. The People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国) ruled with an iron fist for decades from the Communist takeover in 1949 by Mao Zedong (毛泽东)and the country by in large achieved equality of society but with the end result being poverty and suffering (note that these are the results of socialism when attempting to create a more equal society) until Deng Xiaoping (邓小平)took office became the leader in 1978. Deng realized that a government controlled economy had failed because it could not compete or produce goods in an economically viable fashion. Deng instituted changes that resulted in a capitalist based economy with less governmental control and privatized industry encouraged. Today China has the fastest growing economy in the world with yearly growth rates from 8-11% for the past 20+ years.

Look at another Communist country Cuba. This can be summed up by the quote on my homepage by Paul Harvey. "They have gun control in Cuba. They have universal health care in Cuba. So why do they want to come here?"

It is quite clear that the best way for government to uplift society and the economy is too step out. More regulations do not mean more equality. More regulations does not mean more Liberty. More government intervention does not make up for the fallibility or moral weakness of man. Why? Government is an invention of the fallible and morally weak man.

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.
--Ludwig von Mises

Presidential Nominee Bob Barr (L) Speaks Out Against Mandated Public Service

Libertarian Presidential nominee Bob Barr offers fierce criticism to Barack Obama's forced public service proposal. I for one could not agree more.

'Americans are among the most generous people on the planet and excel at serving one another,' says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential candidate. 'Unfortunately, Sen. Barack Obama wants to turn service into a government requirement' by forcing middle, high school, and college students to work in federally approved jobs. 'But service must be an outgrowth of the heart to be life-changing for both parties. It isn’t possible to mandate generosity or coerce compassion,' Barr explains.
Public service is not strictly a formal function that can be done by only serving state or federal government. Service is about helping your fellow man and clearly Americans have done just that. Americans in the past year donated over $300 billion to help with numerous causes from international to domestic aid. Service does not end with monetary donations with millions of man hours each year put into volunteer organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, countless numbers of soup kitchens, and numerous religious organizations. Need I remind you of thousands of Americans helping those devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Rita including myself.

This country faces numerous other problems that cannot be fixed by forced governmental service. A Social Security system being bankrupted, out of control government spending, unconstitutional power grabs from the states, dwindling civil liberties, and welfare programs that hinder the poor from bringing themselves out of poverty. Not to mention a flawed income tax system that keeps the corrupt in power, puts American products at a disadvantage in the global market place, penalizes hard work and saving, encourages debt spending, and gives special interests a special voice that needs to be completely replaced with the Fair Tax.

Other problems are just as serious including a declining US dollar, high energy costs because of governmental regulation, declining public education at the hands of the teachers union, the NEA, and bloated, unconstitutional Department of Education, and the federal governments general disregard for the Constitution. The list can go on and on. Forced governmental service will be another governmental power grab that strips individual choice and Liberties. "'Washington politicians should not be telling schools across America how many hours their students should work, and in what kinds of jobs,' says Barr. 'The Founders displayed great genius when the framed the Constitution, because they limited the federal government to national problems while preserving state and local authority over such issues as education, including youth service.'"

Barr concludes:
Everyone agrees that service is a wonderful gift from those with much to those with little. But we should not sacrifice the great value of voluntary service by turning it into a government requirement.
The desire to serve others cannot be forced. It must come from the heart and soul of an individual. Compulsory service will only breed contempt and distrust for the government that mandates it. Americans are the most generous and service minded people in the world. A government mandate requiring service is an insult to those that have freely and willingly dedicated their life, time, or money in service of their fellow man or woman.

To read the rest of the article check out Barr's Blog: Bob Barr 2008 Blog » Blog Archive » Barr criticizes Obama’s national service proposal

Global Warming and the Cultural Revolution

When I mention the term global warming what first comes to your mind? You probably fall into two camps. 1) Some of you are thinking that Al Gore is a demigod and that global warming is the most dangerous threat to world civilization today. 2) The rest of you, myself included, have significant doubts or even speak out against anthropologically caused global warming.

Which group you fall into does not really matter because the global warming alarmism is not about saving the planet by the leaders who are pushing the agenda. The movement is solely about the acquisition of power, wealth, and to change the fundamental principles of the American way of life. I am not talking about transitioning towards renewable energies but instead about changing the fundamental principles of American society namely a greater movement towards government controlled society for the benefit of the collective.

As an avid follower and researcher of Chinese politics one cannot help but notice the similarities between the Chinese Cultural Revolution starting in May of 1966. The Cultural Revolution was started by Mao Zedong (毛泽东)in an effort to throw off the final elements of bourgouis oppression to complete the revolutionary class struggle. The effort was actaully a movement to sure up his support against the growing power of rivals Deng Xiaoping (邓小平)and Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇).

In much the same way the environmentalists like Chairman Mao have created a warlike environment and spread fear in order to achieve their goals of greater socialism and government control. By creating this warlike environment these people have created a situation that those who speak out against their movement by spreading sound scientific findings to dispute the rhetoric of environmentalists and liberals more generally. This has been a tactic of the left for nearly a centuy.

In order to create a socialistic or fascistic society liberals have been forced to create a hostile environment that will mobilize society to take action because individuals who do not feel threatened will do not easily succomb to these political whims. President Woodrow Wilson jailed over 200,000 US citizens, political prisoners, who questioned our involvement in World War I. FDR used WWII to bring in a new brand of socialism that was known as the New Deal that we still suffer from today (Jonah Goldberg has a great chapter in his book, Liberal Fasicsm about this subject). President LBJ established a god like history of JFK to create a war like environment to move foward his own desires for more power with his Great Society plan, once again which has proven to be a failed program that has increased the national debt and not resolved the social problems that it was imagined to.

Al Gore has continued this legacy and has become a mulitmillionare virtually overnight by spreading fear. He has created an environment where people can no longer speak freely without the possibility of being ostracized without their political or scientific career being in jeopardy. This seems remarably similar to Wilson's jailing of political dissidents who questioned our involvement in World War I.

Global warming is not about solving environmental problems that are still highly debated in the academic sphere. Instead it is about acruing more power for the government at the hands of the individuals and groups that spread the rhetoric to regulate society and strip individual liberties. This movement is largely sponsored by the fascistic left and of the "progressive" right in an attempt to further regulate society into a movement for the collective and solidify their hold on power.

Environmental Hysteria and the Ignorance of Society

I would like to introduce you to the most disastrous and dangerous greenhouse gas: dihydrogen monoxide. This greenhouse causes over 99.9% of global warming and is the most produced greenhouse gas in the world. This dangerous compound should be outlawed because of its significant negative effects towards the propagation of global warming. If we do not act now, disaster is sure to come.

Well if you haven't figured it out yet, dihydrogen monoxide is H2O or water. Watch these two well known comedians, Penn and Teller, as they send an associate of theirs out to get signatures on a petition to ban this substance. The most comedic part of this video is the associate getting signatures from people drinking the substance they are trying to ban.

Now onto the video:

What does this video tell us?

  1. Americans are not well educated. This is already well documented that our public school system is desperately lacking as American students fall far behind other countries in testing. If these people do not understand water, does that not scare you that these people can vote?
  2. Americans are gullible and don't question. If you make yourself into an authority and spread fear you can make almost any American believe you without question (i.e. Al Gore and his global warming alarmism - note that he barely squeaked by earth science in college). And we wonder why people are sending their money to that Nigerian General that keeps sending me emails?
  3. Americans don't think. For those who think the majority of Americans think before they act or speak, they don't and this petition is proof. With some simple cognitive processes people could save themselves a lot of humiliation like those who added their names to this petition while drinking the same substance they were petitioning to get rid of.
I find all of this not that surprising considering the popularity of "hope" and "change" Barack Obama. He states nothing but due to his eloquent oratory a large segment of Americans have not bothered to become educated on the issues, have not questioned his motives, and have not thought about the side affects of his policies. He is not a new politician and his policies and actions are proof of that. Windfall profit tax, tried and failed (Carter administration). Nationalized health care (look at the problems in Canada and Great Britain). He presents himself as a post-racial leader but he falls back into racial tendencies of common Democratic political candidates with his comments.

Quote of the Day: Minority Rights

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.--Ayn Rand
Modern US politics is all about pandering to certain groups based on different demographics whether they be Christians, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, women, men, fathers, mothers, and the list can go on from there. The idea behind this pandering is making these groups feel like they are victims of some social injustice, some rightly and some wrongly, and then make promises to fix the alleged injustice that has occurred or is occurring against them to garner their support in an upcoming election. In no way am I saying that any or all of these groups do not suffer some sort of discrimination for other individuals or groups, just simply making a point about modern US politics.

Often times politicians will even play one group off of another to gain the favor of another demographic. Care to take a guess? Give up, well I am talking about class warfare, blaming the rich for the problems of the poor. This is the most heinous and dangerous form of political positioning and pandering today in contemporary American politics.

The tactic of making victims of certain groups is a tool that is most often used by the left in this country and to a lesser extent Republicans. In either case it is wrong. But the one commonality between the pandering to specific demographic groups is the neglecting of individuals in society.

Individuals are the smallest minority in the world as every person is unique. But individuals are the most neglected minority in the United States. Lets take a brief look at some of the policies of this country.

  1. Tax System: Individuals who work hard, work two or three jobs, and have success are persecuted by higher tax rates. I am not in favor of a regressive form of taxation and those who have the ability to pay should pay but taxing productivity, hardwork and success is counterproductive which is the reason I favor the Fair Tax. Politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have promised the poor higher taxes on those individuals who have success for the purposes of redistributing income. With the FairTax politicians will no longer be able to do this.
  2. Nationalized Health Care: Once again instead of favoring policies that will remove regulations that push the cost of health insurance out of reach of many Americans, many politicians favor punishing individuals who have achieved success through higher taxes for the purpose of buying the votes of the uninsured. They have made these people believe they are victims of corporate greed instead of governmental over-regulation.
  3. Affirmative Action: This is a policy that I believe to be totally backward in thinking. How are you ever going to solve a problem like racial or sexual discrimination if you continually focus on those characteristics? Instead of promoting individual achievement and inspiring the individuals of these groups to take a stand to overcome, politicians continually make victims of these groups. Individuals who have achieved success such as Clarence Thomas, Jessie Lee Peterson, and the like who do not buy into the constant victimization of these groups are then ostracized for their positions. If this is not a clear demonstration of discrimination against individuals I do not know what else will convince you.
Individuals are constantly discriminated against. Individual choice is often refused by the argument of immorality. Drug use, abortion, the definition of marriage, and the like all fall into this category. While many including myself may not agree with every choice of individuals these are not the business of government.

I eagerly await the day when a politician comes forward and stops making victims of certain groups like Democrats and Republicans, but I more eagerly await the day when politicians adopt policies that do not hinder individual Liberty by punishing success or limiting what they may deem immoral that does not affect the rights of others. This is why I am a Libertarian.

People are victims of their own accord through poor decision making, laziness, or following leaders who place them into this category. Individuals have the ability to overcome anything through sound decisions, hard work, dedication to success, and by standing up for themselves.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.--Ayn Rand

Americans are Top Drug Users in the World

As has been known to Libertarians for quite sometime, the War on Drugs has been a complete and utter failure that has cost the United States government billions of dollars while achieving nothing except overcrowding our prisons with casual drug users further adding to the national debt.

A new worldwide study conducted by the World Health Organization finds that Americans are the top drug users in the world with around 16% of Americans having tried cocaine and 42% trying marijuana at least once.The study, released Monday, revealed that 16.2 percent of Americans had tried cocaine at least once, and 42.4 percent had used marijuana.

Tough Drug Policy does not Correlate to Lower Drug Use

The study also found that the use of drugs in countries is not impacted by their drug policy. The United States has among the strictest punishments in the world with the highest drug use. Compare that to the "Netherlands, where drug policy is more liberal than the United States, 1.9 percent of survey participants said they had used cocaine and 19.8 percent marijuana. "

The War on Drugs has tried to focus on solving drug use by limiting supply instead of solving the underlying problems of the drug use which is curbing the demand for these substances. But this effort has largely been a failure as the US Drug enforcement agency reports:

The US Drug Enforcement Agency has observed ever larger quantities of illegal drugs pouring into the country. "We are seizing greater quantities of illegal drugs than ever before," said a DEA statement last week. In 2007, agents seized 41 metric tons of cocaine in just two raids, and denied drug traffickers record-breaking revenue of 3.5 billion dollars for the year, it said.

The War on Drugs is a futile effort to change the idiocy of humans. Instead of focusing on the supply side the US should immediately change course and apply money to treating the demand side of the problem. This solution would cost far less and is not like putting a band aid over a gaping chest wound in hopes that it will solve the problem. The Libertarian Party correctly points this out in their support of such a policy.

Drug prohibition does more to make Americans unsafe than any other factor. Just as alcohol prohibition gave us Al Capone and the mafia, drug prohibition has given us the Crips, the Bloods and drive-by shootings. Consider the historical evidence: America's murder rate rose nearly 70% during alcohol prohibition, but returned to its previous levels after prohibition ended. Now, since the War on Drugs began, America's murder rates have doubled. The cause/effect relationship is clear. Prohibition is putting innocent lives at risk.

What's more, drug prohibition also inflates the cost of drugs, leading users to steal to support their high priced habits. It is estimated that drug addicts commit 25% of all auto thefts, 40% of robberies and assaults, and 50% of burglaries and larcenies. Prohibition puts your property at risk. Finally, nearly one half of all police resources are devoted to stopping drug trafficking, instead of preventing violent crime. The bottom line? By ending drug prohibition Libertarians would double the resources available for crime prevention, and significantly reduce the number of violent criminals at work in your neighborhood.


To read the article on the study: Americans are world's top drug users: study
Libertarian Party Crime and Violence Policy: Step 2- End Prohibition

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Quote of the Day: Thomas Jefferson on July 4th

Here's what Thomas Jefferson, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, said about the 4th. I will leave this with you to contemplate on your own with the rest of this greatest day in the history of not just American but mankind. May Liberty be always in your Heart and Mind.

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the .... truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God. These are grounds of hope for others. For ourselves, let the annual return of this day forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them.

Every man is born equal free of constraints upon their life. Spread the word and idea of Liberty throughout the land so as no man, woman or child shall every forget!

Happy 4th of July!

Top 5 Myths About the Fourth of July!

Have a safe, happy, and fun 4th of July. On this day we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical and oppressive government.

Here is a fun little article about common myths about our celebration of this day. Enjoy!

Top 5 Myths About the Fourth of July!

For more information on the greatest day in the history of men visit my blog post on July 2nd, Wikipedia, and the Declaration of Independence!

Let Liberty and Freedom reign!

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Happy Independence Day!

I wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July and remind you of what this day means. To often I believe Americans and our elected representatives forget.

This day in history is widely recognized as the celebration of our independence from a tyrannical and oppressive government that stripped freedom from individuals and Liberty from the life of Man. This day is a celebration of when Liberty triumphed over tyranny, over a government that thought it knew what was better for its citizens than the individuals in society, and the day Americans proclaimed to the world that all individuals as a right of birth are given certain unalienable rights that no person or entity can take away. That is the right to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" free from the tyranny that governmental intervention brings.

Thousands of Americans throughout history have fought against tyranny to ensure that the light of Freedom and Liberty in the world shall not be extinguished but will be retained for all generations.

I would like to conclude by giving my Thanks and Prayers to our troops who are currently overseas and know only too well the cost that Freedom brings and who will not be home to celebrate this day with their friends and family. I would also like to give special appreciation to those families and friends who have lost a loved one fighting for our freedom in any war. Finally I would like to thank all military veterans for your sacrifice on this day.

May this be a day that Men throughout the world look to our founding as a blue print and guiding light in a world of darkness, tyranny, and oppression in their own fight for Liberty and Freedom.

I encourage everyone on this day to take 10 minutes and read or reread the Declaration of Independence to understand the reason for this Declaration.

God Bless and let Freedom, Liberty, and Individual Choice live in the heart of all Americans!

Quote of the Day: Governmental Inversion

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.--Ayn Rand


  • Increased tax rates without true representation
  • Forced collection of income for the purposes of social welfare
  • Health care decisions made by the government
  • Regulations limiting energy production
  • Prohibition of what is deemed 'immoral'
  • Wiretapping on US citizens
  • Continuing erosion of gun control rights
  • Forced collection of income for the purposes of retirement without control of the funds
These are all policies that the US has engaged in or is being proposed by 1 or more of the Presidential nominees and yet we celebrate tomorrow the day when Americans made our Declaration of Independence from an overbearing government who thought they knew best. Actually that seems rather similar to today.

Today we are involved in a struggle of a government and politicians that no longer believe in success of the individual without government intervention. The entire idea seems to be repulsive to them. If you take a look at their policies this is the only conclusion that you can draw. Instead of developing policies that favor individual choice and reduce regulation to allow success outside of governmental control these people institute policies that restrict individual liberties, choice, and pit one group against another. They do not spread the word that success is the result of hard work and dedication but instead by luck or some sort of fortune, hence the terms fortunate and less fortunate, terms that I abhor.

Today's politicians have rebelled against our libertarian founding in an effort to gain greater power and greater job security. It seems that Ayn Rand is correct in the idea that a governmental inversion is underway because as she correctly asserts, "the stage of rule by brute force" is being relied on in greater quantity. For instance, the IRS has the right to forcefully view any private income or bank statements with little action for recourse. Government has taken by force the right to save for your own financial security by forcing collection of income into Social Security, which can then be distributed to others without your permission or method for retribution.

This will not end until the electorate wakes up and closely examines the true desire of "men [and women] of zeal, well meaning but without understanding" like Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ralph Nader, John McCain, judicial activists in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer and the list can go on as Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1928 stated.

We are on a process of governmental inversion with encroachment on the Liberty and Freedoms of individuals that were put forth clearly in the Constitution and the words of our founding fathers. It is time for the encroachment to halt before the darkest age of man returns again and it is libertarian values that can only take us there.


We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.--Ayn Rand

Declaration of Energy Independence

American history is full of great triumphs from its beginning. Against overwhelming odds against the premier power in the world Americans defeated tyranny and won Liberty and Freedom for our country. Americans turned the tide in WWII to claim victory over tyrants when we were unprepared for war. Americans put a man on the moon in short order and defeated the Soviet Union to end the Cold War.

With these great triumphs can come many more but one in these times is of most importance: our Declaration of Energy Independence!

The government of this great country has lost its way. The US government has prohibited use of many of America's energy sources and placed regulations that have hampered refining that would help us on our road to lower energy prices and energy independence from regimes and countries that despise us. Politicians refuse to do everything and anything possible to bring down energy costs and listen to the plea of Americans of all demographics.

Take Action Today

This July 4th, the same day we celebrate American independence over tyranny and oppression, join with me and over 1.25 million of other Americans around the country and make your Declaration of Energy Independence by signing the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition on

Then take a moment to send your representative in Washington a correspondence to urge them to take every available step from drilling, refining, coal power, nuclear power, and renewable sources in a rational energy plan.

Make your declaration heard!

Bob Barr 2008: Cutting taxes encourages giving

Libertarian Presidential hopeful Bob Barr issued a press release today stating that if left alone Americans will solve social problems better than government can. The best way for government to solve social problems is by getting out of the way, cutting spending, and cutting taxes.

This is an idea I have always supported. When government gets entrained in the business of providing welfare governmental power increases and erodes individual liberties and the effectiveness of the private sector of providing more cost effective solutions. Government should remain neutral to all groups providing a fair and reasonable form of governance. Providing social welfare to one group at the cost of another group through higher taxation does not retain the neutrality government should foster in order to preserve the idea that "all men are created equal." Governmental biases favor the erosion individual choice and Liberty.

One of America’s great strengths has always been the willingness of Americans to organize to solve social problems,” notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. The great French classical liberal Alexis de Tocqueville commented on American social activism nearly two centuries ago in his classic Democracy in America. “We see this same commitment today, with the news that Americans donated more than $300 billion to charity last year, a record level, despite increased economic uncertainty,” Barr observes.


Barr adds, “Unfortunately, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama remain mired in a government spending mindset. Indeed, the major parties have even worked to hook private agencies on public funds.” President George W. Bush initiated the so-called faith-based initiative, supported by Sen. McCain, to provide increased grants to religious organizations. Sen. Obama also has endorsed this approach.
Barr expanded further on this idea laying out an idea to encourage donations thereby expanding the private sectors role in social welfare programs, an idea the founding fathers would support without question.

Instead of expanding government social spending, “Washington should encourage Americans to take on greater responsibility in meeting charitable needs.” First, taxes should be cut. “This year Americans will spend almost four months working just to pay for government,” observe Barr. “That leaves far too little for the famous little platoons which do so much to improve American society.”

Second, “we should consider creating a special tax credit for charitable giving, to provide Americans with a dollar-for-dollar tax reduction for money contributed to social services. We could then deduct an equivalent amount from the federal welfare budget. This would enable Americans to shift welfare from the public to the private sectors,” says Barr. It would also avoid the inevitable politicization that accompanies government grant-making.

“Private charity is a better mechanism for helping people because it is more flexible and cost-effective, and is able to speak to more than financial needs—it can help meet the many often complicated problems faced by people and their families,” he explains. Government by its nature must be rule-bound and bureaucratic. But “neighbors helping neighbors at the local level is the way Americans traditionally aided those around them in meeting difficult family circumstances and other social needs.”

To read the rest of the article: Bob Barr 2008 Blog » Blog Archive » Cutting taxes encourages giving

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July 2, 1776: Declaration Of Independence Adopted

On this day in 1776 the Continental Congress adopted a resolution declaring the Independence of the United Colonies of America to become the United States of America. That is correct the official independence day of the United States occurred on July 2 1776. John Adams in a letter on July 3rd to his wife Abigail stating that July the 2nd would be the most remembered day in American history.

Yesterday the greatest Question was decided, which ever was debated in America, and a greater perhaps, never was or will be decided among Men. A Resolution was passed without one dissenting Colony "that these united Colonies, are, and of right ought to be free and independent States, and as such, they have, and of Right ought to have full Power to make War, conclude Peace, establish Commerce, and to do all the other Acts and Things, which other States may rightfully do."

You will see in a few days a Declaration setting forth the Causes, which have impell'd Us to this mighty Revolution, and the Reasons which will justify it, in the Sight of God and Man. A Plan of Confederation will be taken up in a few days. On July 2, 1776 the Association known as United Colonies of America officially became the United States of America .

But the Day is past. The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.

I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. -- I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. -- Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.

Why July the 4? I would like to bring your attention to a site I have found while browsing the internet for more information on our independence day. This site gives a great summary of the history of the Declaration of Independence I feel no need to summarize. I hope you enjoy!

Declaration Of Independence

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Lower Taxes...Greater Economic Growth?

Another article on the benefits of lower taxes on economic growth.

If you want to learn a little bit more about why Barak Obama is wrong about on increasing corporate tax rates and tax rates in general tax a look at this article put out by the Wall Street Journal today giving a vivid example of how lower taxes will result in greater business investment in the United States. Higher taxes are never a solution to problems!

I also encourage you to take a look at the Fair Tax and some of the benefits that this new tax program would bring to the United States including increased domestic investment, trillions of dollars that would be reintroduced into the market, no penalty on hard work or high achievement, no penalty for making sound decisions in investing for your future, and no confusing tax forms each year to fill out. Plus you get to take home your entire pay check and can control your tax burden by making sound financial decisions. See how the following article relate and the FairTax at You can also view my series on the Fair Tax from March and April of 2008.

Corporate Tax Cut Windfall -

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Obama's Tax Plan: Fairer or More Dangerous?

Every Presidential election is about a new and fair tax plan for the country. Some Presidents prefer to increase taxes, some prefer to increase taxes, while others do little to nothing to change the current tax structure. The current tax structure to say the least is very difficult to understand and has well over 75,000 pages of regulations and the size of the tax policy is not likely to get smaller or simpler anytime soon unless Libertarian Bob Barr gets elected and gets the Fair Tax passed or Congress see's the light.

The Obama tax proposal overall will force $131 income redistribution from the top 1% of income payers to the lower 99%.

While many Americans may cheer this outcome as just or equitable, this sort of direct redistribution raises some important questions that should be part of a larger national discussion:

  • What is the long-term effect on the economy of so few households shouldering such a large share of the tax burden?
  • What are the consequences for our democratic system when a majority of Americans are disconnected from the full cost of government? Will that majority demand more from the government because they bear little of the cost?
  • Should the tax system be used as a means of redistributing income or simply as a neutral mechanism for raising money for government services? Can a tax system premised on redistribution also be compatible with economic growth?
  • The Obama plan assumes little behavioral change from such a large tax hike on high-income workers. Is this realistic or will the higher rates encourage tax minimization strategies and reduced work effort, which will lead to lower tax revenues?

The Tax Policy Center has done the public a service by putting hard numbers on the candidates' tax plans and bringing a dose of reality to the political rhetoric. While it is easy for the press and voters to consider only "What's in it for me?," there are larger issues raised by these findings that deserve more public discussion.

Many will not have a problem with the government forcefully taking more money from the rich and giving to the poor but I for one have major contention with this issue. Taking more money from the rich and giving it to the poor will result in greater oppression of upper income families and their equal rights under the law. This is not the ideal of a free society. This is a similar course of the Communists in Soviet Russia, Fascists in Nazi Germany, Communists in Castro's Cuba, and the dictators of the Middle East.

When people become further disconnected from the cost of government they demand more from their government without concern for the impacts on their liberties. A government with the capacity to give you everything is a government that has the capacity to take every freedom away.

Not to mention the negative impact economically on our country from continued high corporate tax rates which hinder the development of job growth, foster the transfer of business overseas, and keep trillions of dollars of assets out of the American economy in overseas tax shelters.

If America ever hopes to regain the foundations of freedoms dreamed by the founding fathers and prescribed in the Constitution we need to pass the Fair Tax immediately. To find out more on the Fair Tax you can view my series from March and April of 2008 or visit The Fair Tax will promote economic growth and job growth not seen in the history of the United States and that would rival China's growth. People would not longer be taxed for working harder or having higher goals.

The income and payroll taxes are not the mark of a free society. The current "heavy progressive or graduated income tax system" takes its founding from none other than Karl Marx, the founder of Communist ideology, as written in the Communist Manifesto. This is the second step of ten to form a Communist state. Wouldn't he be proud?


To read the rest of the article on Barak Obama's dangerous tax plan visit The Tax Foundation.


"I think the terror most people are concerned with is the IRS. "
-Malcolm Forbes, when asked if he was afraid of terrorism

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